Perimenopause isn’t just hot flashes, it’s weight gain, exhaustion, itchy skin, bloating, anxiety & exasperation

Health and wellbeing

Wake up every morning feeling excited about the day ahead.

Feel great in your skin & be confident that your diet and lifestyle habits are solid. Know why your symptoms exist, and learn how to take control, naturally.

Whether you want give your diet and lifestyle a nudge in the right direction with a simple, science-based wellness plan, or you need help with a more complex health issue – book a free assessment and find out how I can help.

Optimise your heath at 40+

This is pivotal time in life, and can be frustrating when health, body size, energy and digestion take a turn for the worse. We know we need to take our health more seriously,  we want great health for the next 40+ – and those health niggles aren’t going away by themselves.

By working with me you’ll get proven practical strategies, no restrictive diets, and no complex time consuming health practices – you’ve got enough on your plate already.

I know what it’s like juggling family, work and life through the hormone fluctutations and everything on top of that – I’ve been there.

Addressing all aspects of your health

To clearly understand your unique health picture we have an extensive initial consultation in the health audit and discuss everything in detail.

Then I’ll formulate your unique treatment plan. Your plan will utilise nutrition and lifestyle strategies and supplements/herbal medicine. I may reccomend further testing. You’ll receive your plan via email after our consultation.

You may only need a couple of appointments, or you may need extensive support  – the choice is yours.

Take the first step

Book a free assessment today. We can meet in person or online – it’s your call.

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