Ali WIlford


Addressing the root cause of your health concerns, & elevating your wellbeing

You can say goodbye! to feeling confused around diet, and supplements, and HELLO! to feeling in control and having more confidence in your daily health and wellbeing practices.

Hi I’m Ali,

My aim is to elevate your health in a way that’s meaningful  for you – based on your individuality and your unique situation.

Let’s meet in person or online, to formulate a path to your optimal wellbeing – it’s your call.


My approach is to first clearly understand your unique needs.

We do an extensive holistic case-take, including a comprehensive nutrition analysis and in-depth review of blood tests, to give me a clear understanding and enable me to meet you where you’re at. Further testing may be recommended at the first appointment.

Following our initial consultation I’ll write your  evidence-based wellness plan, incorporating diet, exercise and lifestyle advice, supplements and herbal medicine. At our second appointment, we discuss the plan and the stages of treatment. We navigate the plan together.

You may only need a couple of appointments, or you may wish to have more extensive guidance – the choice is yours.

To schedule a free discovery call

please fill in the form and hit send.

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