wellness audit

The wellness audit is a two appointment process.  It’s based around your health and wellness goals and is structured to suit you, your lifestyle and personality. 

Our initial consultation is an inquiry into the history of you – your physical, mental, emotional, nutritional, social, and environmental health; analysis of recent blood tests, diet, current and past diagnoses, supplements, and medications. 

To conclude this appointment you may receive a couple of lifestyle or nutrition goals – we decide on these together – and be referred for pathology testing. I generally don’t use functional tests unless you really want them –  they can be uneccesarily expensive.

Within a few days you’ll get an email from me containing your very own personalised wellness plan,  and we’ll make a second appointment to go through it together over the phone or video call.

Consult 1: Allow 60 minutes.

Consult 2: Allow 20 minutes 

Price $220. 

Pre-payment may be required


Health and wellness is a journey of fluctuation, embedding new habits takes time and that’s okay!

In follow ups we review and tweak, assess new results and ensure the plan is working for you.

You can bring up any new concerns, and make adjustments to your current treatment plan if required.

When you’re feeling well confident on your own you may like to keep on top of your health by scheduling quarterly follow-up appointments.

Allow 40 minutes

Price $90

Pre-payment may be required.


A video or phone call consultation to discuss and prescribe herbal medicine or supplements for acute conditions, immune support, stress, post-viral recovery, hormonal issues and optimal health. *Does not include cost of supplements/herbs.

Allow 20 minutes

Price $25

To book: ali@invokewellness.co.nz | 021 867 671


An initial chat to discuss  your needs.

My clinic is an empathetic  & safe space where you can completely be yourself. Let’s start the process.

To book: ali@invokewellness.co.nz

Allow 15 minutes

Price FREE

*As an allied health provider, registered naturopath and medical herbalist Invoke Wellness is bound by the NZ Privacy Act 2020; the NMHNZ (naturopaths and medical herbalists association of NZ) code of ethics and scope of practice. All client and patient interactions are private and confidential, your information is sacrosanct. View our Privacy Policy For information about naturopathy in NZ please visit the NMHNZ website.

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